There is no doubt that we are in the middle of a tremendous period of global change. Over the course of the next two years we will also experience a series of rare and powerful astrological events that will usher in changes even vaster than the ones we’ve already experienced. The goal of this workshop […]
I moved my blog over to Substack last Fall. If you were already on my email list, you are still getting updates, but if not, head on over there to see what I’ve been writing about I’ve been doing more writing over there, because I have a paid tier, and that support has allowed […]
The chart of a New Moon sets the stage for the month ahead, offers new beginnings, and highlights upcoming challenges and opportunities. The New Moon of September 2nd brings Virgo’s insight, knowledge, and consummate professionalism to the fore. Virgo can take things apart, figure out what’s wrong, and put everything back together. Virgo sees the […]
I mentioned in my recent New Moon post that I’d try to write something about the upcoming Full Moon on August 19th because there are so many aspects culminating on or very near that day. There’s a lot of discussion about it in the astrology world — check this video for an overview from several […]
August is an active month astrologically, and the New Moon in Leo on the 4th sets the stage for it. It’s likely to be loud, with a lot of over-the-top communications. Some of those communications will be deceptive, but I think we’ll start seeing some real pushback against lies and the misuse of technologies (AI […]
With the New Moon and a whole bunch of other planets hanging out in Gemini, we’ll have multiple opportunities this month to expand our perceptions, make significant connections with other beings, and gain information that is useful for us in multiple ways (Gemini is all about multiples.) On a practical level, we’ll want to find […]
I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. Wendell Berry from The […]
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard about the April 8th total solar eclipse that will be visible in its totality across a narrow band stretching from Mexico through the USA to Canada. And if you’re getting ready to go hide under a rock because you read […]
The month ahead brings Pisces’ oceanic influence to the forefront of our shared reality. If you’ve been feeling a sense of overwhelm and a need to reconnect with spiritual reality, the next few weeks will be a particularly good time to regain some sense of control, reconnect with your personal spiritual guidance, and reorient your […]
“Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr Humans are a sociable species, and we tend to gather into groups with others who share our interests, predilections, and/or concerns. Our ability to work together is one of our greatest strengths — it […]
I don’t usually write up the Full Moon charts, just the New Moon ones, but tomorrow’s Full Moon feels intense and consequential, so here’s a quick overview. As the pattern of Thursday’s Full Moon unfolds over the next two weeks, be aware of any underlying hostility in people’s words and actions. Snark and sarcasm have […]
We don’t need astrology to clue us in to the fact that we are in the middle of a period of tremendous and historically unprecedented change. Climate change is proceeding apace (along with its accompanying apocalyptic horsemen of pollution and resource depletion), science and technology are making tremendous strides in a number of different directions, […]
The New Moon in Leo on August 16th brings opportunities to make effective, lasting changes, particularly in relationships and our creative endeavors. It is a sensuous, artistic, and dramatic chart that offers to shake up our senses, hopefully with the result of enhancing creativity and empowering magick. But we’ll need to pay attention to our […]
There’s a lot of creative potential in this chart of the Summer Solstice, and energy that can be put towards building structures we need to construct a healthy, vibrant future. I hope all of you look for and find opportunities to take advantage of that potential. There’s also a signature of disruption in the chart, […]
Ready for some Spring cleaning? Because a “clear it out and clean it up” attitude is the best way to deal with this powerful New Moon eclipse that will continue to reverberate over the next 6 months. Extreme power struggles, exposure of secrets, spiritual empowerment, intellectual breakthroughs, emotional gut punches, and identity crises that lead […]
“My mother always taught us that if people don’t agree with you, the important thing is to listen to them. But if you’ve listened to them carefully and you still think that you’re right, then you must have the courage of your convictions. .” ~ Jane Goodall The Spring Equinox and the Aries New Moon […]
The New Moon opens a gateway into Pisces oceanic realm, reminding us of the vastness and infinite depths of Consciousness that spawned our physical world. Try to keep an open mind as some important planetary shifts will bring waves of change. There will be endings (some more definitive than others), and beginnings that may lack […]
There are lots of changes coming up in 2023, and questions of truth, justice, law, and religion will demand answers from individuals, organizations, and governments, as well as artists and scientists. I’ll look at it month by month later, but first, let’s consider what the astrology suggests about how we can prepare ourselves to navigate […]
The chart of the December Solstice suggests that it’s time to gather resources and build new structures (physical and mental) over the next 3 months. The next month or so will see a gradual ramping up of energy and freeing up of resources for various projects so we can go full-speed ahead at the end […]
It’s time to leave Scorpio’s introspection and tendency to investigate all the dark corners of the mind and heart behind. (Useful though those investigations can be.) Now we take any wisdom we’ve gained and let the incoming Sagittarian energy help us test the usefulness of our recent deep insights out in the real world. And, […]