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A cute two-toed sloth hanging from a tree branch at night with a full moon and stars glowing in the sky

I mentioned in my recent New Moon post that I’d try to write something about the upcoming Full Moon on August 19th because there are so many aspects culminating on or very near that day. There’s a lot of discussion about it in the astrology world — check this video for an overview from several other astrologers — a lot of it centering around the Democratic National Convention (DNC) which begins on that day.

(Note that the Full Moon chart sets the stage for the next two weeks, and the aspects are forming several days in advance.)

Globally, the chart speaks to chaos and rapid change. Unusual levels of violence are a strong possibility, and earth-shaking events, which could be literal (earthquakes and/or other weather events) or metaphorical (financial, technological, warlike).

Possible disruptions of the electric grid and/or transportation and/or communication networks is something you’ll want to be prepared for. Our world is not very stable at the moment — and not just under this Full Moon. So it’s a good idea to have backup systems and other preparations in place for disruptions that might be widespread.

People will be communicating loudly about whatever is important to them. Impulse control will be an issue for many, and the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease will be rampant. So keep your self-awareness level high, and if you’re in doubt about whether to say something…well, just think about it a little more first, OK?

In the USA, I expect upheavals as well as celebrations. The Full Moon chart is deeply tied in to not only the natal chart of the USA (Sibly) but to all of the candidates in the presidential race.

One possible celebration might be around agreement about a treaty or contract, though it may take until September to get the parties to the signing table.

Another celebratory event will be the ritual (the whole DNC is a ritual) of confirming the Harris/Walz ticket. The enthusiasm, joy, and hope around their candidacy is currently off the charts. But there is a lot of confusing and even violent energy in the air. Protests are already being planned for the DNC.

Emotions will be running high. Unexpected and confusing events and upheavals of various kinds are likely, so let’s look at how we can best navigate under this sky.

First, remind yourself that living in fear of what might happen is not useful. Make preparations to the best of your ability, stay aware of what’s going on around you, keep your spiritual connections strong, then just live your life and keep working towards your personal goals. Change can bring advantageous opportunities as well, and you’re likely to miss them if you’re hiding under a rock, fearful of the future. Stay present. Restart or keep going with whatever magickal/spiritual/personal growth techniques you use to stay centered and grounded.

Next, connect with whatever deities/spirits/ancestors you work with. Particularly if you are in the middle of a storm, they can help guide you when you are having trouble deciding the best direction to move in. Keep them on speed dial, and listen to what they have to say.

Finally, keep in mind that this chart has two powerful T-squares (translation: confrontations and challenges focused on a single point) and most of us will find ourselves faced with some kind of conflict – internal or external – that we need to resolve, and the resolution will take some work to achieve. The key is to correctly identify both the conflict and the options for resolution. Make sure you understand both sides of the confrontation before you decide on the resolution.

Want to know how the current sky is affecting you personally? Contact me, and we’ll set up a consultation.

For astrologers and political animals:

Cast the chart for August 19th, 2:22 PM EDT. I cast it for Washington, DC, which is predictive for the USA. The USA natal chart I’m using is Sibly with Equal Houses.

I’m just going to hit the high points here — if you want more, check out the video I linked to earlier in the post.

There are two very tight T-squares in this chart, and every planet except Neptune and Pluto is involved in one of them.

The Fixed T-square is the Full Moon squared by Uranus, which also pulls in Mercury, retrograde, just past its conjunction with the Sun.

The Mutable T-square pulls in the remaining inner planets — Venus in Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces (neither of them happy in those signs) both square a Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini (Jupiter isn’t happy either). Note that this is part of the important and months-long opening square of Jupiter and Saturn.

This Moon is almost exactly (within 5 arc-minutes) conjunct the USA’s Sibly Moon, which, of course, means explosive, anarchic Uranus is square it as well. The Moon in a mundane chart signifies the people, the citizens of a country, the public, so we can assume the populace is restless and pushing for change. Moon is also one of the astrological signatures for women.

The other major aspect between the Sibly and New Moon chart is the Mars return, exact on the 21st. This happens every couple of years, but Jupiter is adding its power to the aspect this time around. (Jupiter itself will station Rx exactly conjunct Sibly Mars on October 9th). This is a “might makes right” aspect, and along with the aspects to the Moon suggests at the least a war of words, and possibly violent events.

These T-squares closely aspect:

President Biden’s 27° Scorpio Sun and 28° Scorpio Venus. This strikes me as an appropriate aspect for the changing of the guard, handing off his candidacy to his female VP, but the Uranus opposition from his 6th suggests sudden, unexpected, and probably challenging happenings. Also note his 0° Virgo/Pisces nodal axis.

Vice President Harris’ chart is also being aspected by these transits. She was born at a Full Moon in Aries, and so this Full Moon is trining/sextiling her Sun and Moon. It is also conjunct/oppose her natal Saturn at 28° Aquarius, while Uranus squares it. (This ongoing square, which won’t let up for her until 2026, suggests responsibilities and curtailment of personal freedom that, assuming she wins the election, would be part of life as POTUS, and also suggests the need to balance constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and necessary legal restrictions in governing demanding her attention.)

Uranus conjuncted her natal Jupiter at 24° Taurus back in late May. It will retrograde back over it in December, and make its final pass in March. This is usually a quite favorable transit. Jupiter rules her Midheaven and her 7th house, which indicates how the public sees her.

Uranus also squares her natal Saturn ruling her 8th and 9th houses. Saturn is strong in its own sign in her chart, conjunct her Pisces MC from the 9th house. This is Harris the prosecutor, and it’s a Jesus and the moneychangers kind of aspect. I expect she will be kicking ass and taking names.

The Mutable T-square in the Full Moon chart involves a Venus return for her as well as Mars and Jupiter within orb of a conjunction to her Ascendant. (Mars will make that conjunction within the week, but Jupiter will retrograde first, making the exact conjunction in May of 2025.) But the key aspect is Saturn exactly oppose her natal Venus then moving on to retrograde back over her Uranus Pluto conjunction. It will make its last pass over her Venus in early February, which could indicate taking on the burden of heavy responsibilities.

Donald Trump’s chart is also strongly affected by this New Moon, with Sun and Mercury conjunct his Mars and Ascendant, while Uranus is still within orb of conjunction to his 24° Taurus Midheaven and square Mars and the Ascendant/Descendant axis. This is not a particularly favorable aspect. Uranus to the MC (exact again in December with the final pass in March of 2025), indicates a change in status which could go either way. Yes, becoming POTUS is one possibility, but for the record, I don’t think he will see the inside of the White House again. The change of status could involve moving from wealth and privilege to criminal defendant and convicted felon, moving to another country, death, or something else entirely.

Jupiter is exactly conjunct his Uranus at 17° Gemini, and Mars, which was conjunct his Uranus on the 14th, the day of his combative speech in Asheville, will be moving over his North Node, oppose his Moon and then conjunct his Sun during the DNC. Several political observers have noted that they expect him to try to divert attention from the DNC. The planets suggest that is likely.

Both Walz and Vance also have planets tied into this event, but since we don’t have timed charts for either of them, I’m not going to delineate them.

OK, that’s all I have for now. I’ll be back at the New Moon in September. We are moving in to a critical election season, and the astrology reflects it. I’ll do my best to keep you up to date.

Remember to check your voter registration. It takes 30 seconds, and you can do it here. Then vote early. You can find the early voting calendar here


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